The CLCS Analytical Services group performs both CLIA-approved and Research Use Only (RUO) assays on a variety of common clinical chemistry analyzers, including high throughput instruments. The following instruments are owned by CLCS and available for use. Instruments used daily are indicated by an *.
- Roche Diagnostics c501 chemistry analyzer*
- Roche Diagnostics e601 immunoanalyzer*
- Beckman Coulter UniCel DxH600 hematology analyzer*
We also perform more labor-intensive radioimmunoassays (RIAs) and plate-based ELISA testing on an as-needed basis for researchers. Most any commercially available RIA or ELISA kit can be used for analysis with our gamma counters and plate readers.
-ICN Biomedical 10/600 Plus gamma counter
-Titertek Plus gamma counter
-Bio-Tek ELx 800 ELISA plate reader
-Bio-Tek Powerwave 200 plate reader
Single Molecule Counting Instruments
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Please note that at this time, we only have HPLC, not LC-MS/MS methods available. If your study requires the sensitivity and specificity of LC-MS/MS, please consider contacting the Metabolomics Core or MTAC@MGI.