EMD Millipore SMCxPRO system

Core Lab for Clinical Studies (CLCS) was one of the few academic labs to have access to the Singulex Erenna system. More recently, an updated instrument without complicated fluidics became available. In 2019 CLCS received NIH grant funding to purchase this EMD Millipore SMCxPRO system.

This digital single molecule counting system can be thought of as a “smartELISA reader with a greatly extended lower analytical measurement range. The benefits are an increased sensitivity and improved reproducibility at the limits of measurement. It accomplishes this by using fluorescent tags for the detection antibody and a laser detector.

Learn how Single Molecule Counting (SMC™) technology works using the SMCxPRO™ Instrument

This system is housed on the 6th floor of the Wohl Clinic and is available to any researcher at Washington University. We run both commercially available kits (e.g. IL-6, IL-10, etc.) and also an in-house developed mouse/rat insulin assay.  Custom assays for your analyte can also be developed.

IMPORTANT: If your samples are tested using the SMCxPro, please acknowledge the NIH grant #S10OD027006 in your presentations and publications.

Millipore’s Available Kits
In-House Developed Mouse Insulin Assay

Example of our data:

  • Standard curves (15 – 4000 pg/mL) are run in triplicate using 50 µL of insulin standard.
  • Mouse/rat samples are run in singlicate with 5 – 50 µL serum/plasma.

NOTE: Lower Limit of Quantitation (LLOQ):

If using 50 µL of serum/plasma we typically get an LLOQ of 15 or 45 pg/mL.

With lower volumes (e.g. 5, 10, 20 µL) of samples, the LLOQ will be higher. For example, we have observed a LLOQ of 70 pg/mL using 20 µL sample

Custom Assays

If you are interested in developing a custom assay for your analyte(s), please contact Jennifer Powers Carson to discuss.

Testing Can Be Performed Two Ways on the SMCxPro:
Our staff performs testingYou perform testing
You bring the samples & we take care of the plate preparation and testingSome researchers prefer to perform their own assays, saving some of the expense.  This is available at a once you have been trained.
1) Fill out Request for Services form and email to us in advance.1)  Contact Jennifer Powers Carson to arrange training.  powers.jennifer.l@wustl.edu 314-273-1378
2) Fill out Batch Requisition and bring/email with an Excel list of sample names as arranged your sample box when you drop off your samples.2)  Contact Jennifer Powers Carson to arrange date of testing:  powers.jennifer.l@wustl.edu 314-273-1378
3)  You will receive your results in Excel and pdf format.3)  Dr. Powers Carson or a CLCS staff member will be available for consultation.

If we perform testing for you, there is cost of $26.00 per sample with a discounted price ($19.50) for DRC and NORC members. Kits will be charged separately at cost. See price sheet.

If you are only using the instrument, there is a $142 fee for the first plate. This provides you with all consumables needed for the protocol as well as access to equipment used during plate preparation. Additional plates may have a different charge, depending on exact supplies needed. Some sample types may require the use of a filter plate at an extra cost. We will also provide you with the raw data and software-generated curve and results from each run.

Use of Instrument and Wash Buffers$66.00
Plates and Seals$56.00
Consumables (tubes, syringe filter, basin, tips)$20.00
Optional: Filter plate for “dirty” samples$28.25